Taste the Rockies with Coors Light | The Well

Welcome to the latest edition of The Well—a quick-sip breakdown of the best stories behind your favorite alcohol brands. This week, we’re diving into the crisp, refreshing world of Coors Light, the beer that’s practically synonymous with Rocky Mountain refreshment.

The Story of Coors Light

In 1975, a young artist inspired by a conversation with Pete Coors submitted a design for a new Coors Light can, eliminating the cream-colored background featured on the Coors Banquet can. This design was an instant hit.

The Silver Bullet

The nickname “Silver Bullet” for the Coors Light can emerged from college students and became widely recognized by 1991. Pete Coors acknowledged the popularity of the moniker in his 1998 book, “Coors: A Rocky Mountain Legend.”

First Shipment

On August 23, 1978, the first trucks loaded with 23,000 cases of Coors Light rolled out of Golden, Colorado. The convoy reportedly required safety escorts, a testament to the excitement surrounding the new brew.

1980s Marketing Magic

Coors Light was one of the first brands to heavily promote Halloween, introducing the creepy “Beerwolf” character in ads. This unique approach to marketing set Coors Light apart and cemented its place in popular culture.

Cold Activation

In December 2018, Coors Light revived its “World’s Most Refreshing Beer” tagline, focusing on its “Cold Activated” cans, which turn blue at refrigerator temperature. This feature is a hit among younger consumers.

Centenarian Superfan

In 2018, 101-year-old Andrew E. Slavonic from McMurray, PA, attributed his longevity to a daily Coors Light at 4 p.m. MillerCoors honored him with a fully-stocked beer fridge and a tour of the Golden, Colorado brewery.

Fashion Meets Function

In October 2018, Coors Light collaborated with apparel brand 686 to create the “Sixer” jacket, designed with enough pockets to keep 11 Coors Light cans icy cold.

Beer Lovers’ Choice

Even craft brewers like Shaun O’Sullivan, co-founder of 21st Amendment Brewery, enjoy Coors Light for its water-like simplicity, provided it’s ice cold.

Life-Saving Brew

In April 2018, beer distributors Kwame Anderson and Jason Gaebel talked a man down from a bridge ledge in St. Paul, MN, by offering him a case of Coors Light, showcasing the beer’s unexpected role in saving lives.

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