Backwoods cigars, renowned for their distinctive look and natural composition, have carved a niche in the world of tobacco products. These cigars are recognized for their rugged, unpolished appearance and the use of 100% natural tobacco, both in the filler and the wrapper. This commitment to natural tobacco without additives or paper contributes to their unique appeal. Backwoods caters to aficionados who appreciate the pure tobacco experience and those who utilize them for other purposes due to their easy-to-unfurl nature.
Backwoods Grape
Another flavor that faced discontinuation in certain markets, Grape Backwoods combined the rich taste of tobacco with the sweet, fruity essence of grapes.
Backwoods Vanilla
Vanilla Backwoods, while popular, have been discontinued in some markets. They offered a smooth, creamy vanilla flavor mixed with tobacco for a sweet, aromatic experience.
Why are Backwoods more expensive?
Backwoods cigars are priced higher due to their all-natural composition. They contain no additives and no paper, consisting entirely of 100% tobacco. This natural composition and the quality of the tobacco contribute to their higher cost.
Are Backwoods flavors discontinued?
In some markets, certain sweeter flavors of Backwoods have been discontinued, such as vanilla or grape. These decisions are often based on regulatory changes or market preferences.
Why do smokers like Backwoods?
Smokers appreciate Backwoods cigars for their 100% tobacco composition, offering a pure, robust tobacco experience. Plus, they’re thought to be easier to unfurl than other cigars, which is a sought-after feature for smokers who repurpose them for cannabis.
Get Backwoods Cigars Delivered with Saucey
Backwoods cigars stand out for their natural tobacco quality and rustic appeal. They cater to a wide range of preferences with their variety of flavors, from classic to exotic.
Get Backwoods products and more delivered with Saucey. Just visit our site, enter your address, and see what’s available in your area. We can be at your front door in as few as 30 minutes.
Backwoods cigars contain nicotine, an addictive chemical. We advise considering the health risks associated with smoking and opting for cessation for long-term health benefits.